Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rumah Terbuka PM @ Pekan

I was home for a belated aidil fitri gatering with my sibling in Pekan and as it so happen that the PM held an open house for all those in Pekan and the surrounding area. As our house was within walking distance, we attended the PM's open house. Unfortunately for my nephew from Johor, we didn't get to meet the PM.

...the crowd..

eldest sis with niece n nephew fr Johore...

..there's nasi beryani,roti canai,laksa pahang etc...

unfortunately no ketupat or satay in sight...

sis in law fr JB...

We went to the gathering not so much for the food but more to see who n who n who...
Though PR is in favour but still as a Pekanese we are proud to hve a Pekanese as PM...

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